
TNF – Save or Safe?

Our strategy is quite straight forward. We concentrate our resources and energy on the shipbuilding industry. This is our core business and
we know it like no one else in the world. Our goal is also straight forward. We aim to become a true partner to our customers, acknowledged for our commitment, product quality, product development, delivery performance and unparalleled customer service.

More about this product

By continuously monitoring our environment, by listening to our customers and paying attention to the smallest of details we are constantly improving on an already strong market position.

INEXA TNF PANEL manufactures the highest quality panels in the industry. This translates simply into an easier and faster installation job and a consistently more attractive cabin.

Our modular system was the first in the industry and joiners rate our system second to none in simplicity. In brief our concept means that a complete package of pre-fabricated, customer-specified panels is delivered to our customer, ready to install.